This freezer meal is one I do EVERY month. I make two at a time. It's easy, it's satisfying, and it's delicious.

To assemble: Put a whole raw pot roast (4lb or so) in a Ziploc bag. On top of the roast, layer 1 cup of chopped onion, half a bag of baby carrots (or 3 large carrots, chopped), 3 stalks of chopped celery, and half a container of mushrooms. On top of the veggies, sprinkle a pack of Onion Soup Mix and add a can of Cream of Mushroom soup. Seal and freeze.

To cook: Take out the bag the night before and let thaw overnight. The next morning, pour the roast/veggies in the slow-cooker (it's okay if it's partially frozen). Cook on low for 8-10 hours. Season with salt to taste and serve over rice.


Kris C said…
Do you freeze the soup with the other ingredients or add it the day of cooking? I love all these freezer meals - I really need to start doing this!
Yes, you freeze the soup with the other ingredients. Super easy, huh?
Kim said…
What size crockpot do you put this in?
Unknown said…
and you don't add any other liquid?
Nope! The roast and veggies will make their own liquid.
rachel link said…
i'm gonna try this, but i have an electric pressure cooker so it cuts the time by almost 2/3's!
Amie said…
Do you use fresh mushrooms? Sliced? What cut of meat do you buy? This seems too easy! :)
Yes, fresh mushrooms, sliced. And I use the cut labeled "Pot Roast" but you can use chuck, top round, bottom round, or rump. It IS easy!! =)
MrsSHuff said…
Does the roast go on top or bottom? The video comments at the top say top but the recipe down the page says to put it in first.
How long does the meal freeze for?
Anonymous said…
Do you have to stir it or can you just leave it? Also, does the meat go in first or the veggies?
You don't have to stir it, and I usually put the meat in first, but it doesn't matter, it all goes under juice at some point. =)
Anonymous said…
Have you ever put pototes in with it? Just wondered how they freez?
Anonymous said…
This sounds like it would be good served over mashed potatoes instead of rice.
Anonymous said…
Can you use cream of chicken instead?
Anonymous said…
Looks great! Have never made a roast with cream of mushroom soup. Doing this for a freezer meal for when baby comes. Thanks! :)
Anonymous said…
I would never cook a roast in any manner without browning it first- that's where half the flavor comes from... and grey meat doesn't look very appetizing, either.
J. Jayne said…
I don't brown my meat before adding to slow cooker usually. I don't have time. And this freezer recipe would save me a lot of time. I love pot roast and have been looking for a "recipe." This hits the spot!
KarenF said…
I was wondering about adding potaotes. Would add them to the freezer bag or at time of putting everything in the crockpot? Thanks.
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Anonymous said…
I think that uncooked potatoes go black when frozen. If you wanted to add potatoes they should be par-boiled first, or just add them at the time of cooking

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