Italian Tenders (FREEZER MEAL)

Italian tenders are always a big hit with the kids and one of the easiest freezer meals to assemble.

Put raw chicken tenderloins in a Ziploc bag and pour half a bottle of Italian Dressing over them. Seal and freeze flat (on a baking sheet). To reheat, take bag out of the freezer the night before and let it thaw in the fridge. Remove the tenders (discard the marinade) and bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes or grill them. This is a great meal to round out with a veggie and mac-n-cheese.


Anonymous said…
I skewered the chicken placed in bag, then the dressing, also did it with BBQ sauce, teriyaki
sauce and few other sauces. was perfect for a fast BBQ

Jaime said…
How much chicken do you use for a 1/2 bottle? 1 lb? 2 lb? Trying to make this for a family of 5 (2 adults, 1 3 yo, 2 newborn twins) and wondering if i should split it into 2 x 1 lb freezer bags. Any ideas would be appreciated!

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