MayDay Helicopter Fun Fly 2013

The Lake Area Radio Kontrol Society (LARKS) hosted the 34th annual May Day Helicopter Fun Fly, this weekend at Hinch Field in Carlyss, Louisiana. Flying started each day at dawn and concluded at 10 p.m.

LARKS is dedicated to the promotion of the hobby and fly under the guidelines of the Academy of Model Aeronautics and encourages people who appreciate model airplanes and helicopters to join their club.

Hubby is a remote control helicopter and airplane enthusiast and since we live in town, going to this Fun Fly was a no-brainer! Here's some highlights from today (Friday) and I'll add more pictures of the festivities tomorrow. 


Unknown said…
I have been there a few times with my daddy :) when we lived in town he joined that group and loved to fly his planes out there! unfortunately he is unable to fly his planes here cause they have no place to :( but it was nice to see pictures of the airfield and bring back some good memories :)
Charleen said…
Great photos. My son made several model airplanes and then remote control planes as a teen. He now is a pilot for a major airlines.
Unknown said…
How do you make this site look this awesome! Email me if you can and share your wisdom. I'd be thankful.
radio controlled model planes
Unknown said…
Thanks for the great photos Amanda. My son made several model airplanes and then remote control planes as a teen. He now is a pilot for a major airlines.
rc boats

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